Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ten more

I have a new goal.

I want to lose ten more pounds.

I want to do this because in order for me to achieve my goal of rockin' a two-piece bathing suit this summer, I need to have a ripped midsection. In order to to that, I need to lose the fat covering my abs. That means dropping my body fat percentage. I wonder if I can do this, I mean REALLY do this. I was inspired by a book I got from the library called The Abs Diet. It's got good points, and it also is a bit contradictory because it says it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change, yet they do have some calorie restrictions. Of course they do. But after reading it, the premise makes sense. It's a cleaned-up diet, and then exercise with the intent of building muscle, which in turn burns fat. My diet has significantly improved since I first started weight loss, and I'm learning more about nutrition the more I read. I think I need more food ideas in order to become successful at this, and I'm willing to follow the recipes that the book provides. Also, I am going to do the strength training that the book recommends, pending my appointment with Dr. Tom the Chiropractor. My right shoulder injury is really impeding any progress I'm going to have with weights, so it needs to get better. I hope he doesn't rule out push ups entirely, because I don't want my shoulder muscles to atrophy. I really need to improve the range of motion. I don't know if doing rotator cuff exercises alone is going to improve it or worsen the injury, so I'll see him on Tuesday and go from there.

I think my schedule could totally accommodate the strength training. I already have two days dedicated to cardio/intervals. The program calls for strength training 3x/week + ab exercises before the circuit and one workout w/leg emphasis, 2 days of cardio, and 1 day of an interval workout. Six days, and one rest day. I might play around with 1-2 rest days instead, due to scheduling. This is how I might plan all this:

Monday - Strength training

Tuesday - cardio @ track

Wednesday - Strength training

Thursday - cardio @ track

Friday - rest day

Saturday - Strength training LEGS day

Sunday - rest day OR Interval workout/HIIT

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